Generosity and Fear*

Fear is self-focused. Day to day, our fear is about us. What will happen if we give that speech, launch that project, get stuck in traffic, are eaten by an alligator…

And generosity is about others. “How can I help?”

Jumping in the water to save a struggling swimmer stops us from worrying about how we look in our suit or whether the water is cold. And if you’re worried about the customer instead of your quota, making a sales call is easier too.

The key scene at the climax of the Wizard of Oz happens when Dorothy intercedes on the scarecrow’s behalf. Once again, she finds the courage to overcome her fear when she’s generously supporting a friend.

It’s more than a shift in narrative. It’s a shift in intent.

* by Seth Godin, posted 04.06.2024 on Seth’s Blog.

It seems like everything in life comes down to perspective. In my work life, when they see or hear about something that appears to lack proper perspective, I referred to it as “looking through the wrong end of the telescope.” One thing that helps me as I work on having a proper perspective is I a wristband that says “God is Big Enough.” I also wear a second wristband that says “Lives Generously.” Together those are general reminders to me of what Seth is encouraging us to consider.

How might you work on proper perspective? Do you have ways of reminding yourself?

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